Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Success of an 435th Inaugural Lecture on THE POWER OF THE HYBRID by Nigeria National Association Of The Deaf NNAD OYO STATE branch Patron, Professor OYEDUNNI ARULOGUN At The First and The Best University, University of IBADAN.

We thank GOD for the Success Of an 435th Inaugural Lecture on THE  POWER OF THE HYBRID by Nigeria National Association Of The Deaf  (NNAD )Oyo State branch Patron, Professor OYEDUNNI ARULOGUN at the First and the best University, University of IBADAN. 

Nigeria National Association Of The Deaf NNAD representatives were in attendance.
May Almighty GOD Guide Professor OYEDUNNI ARULOGUN, Provide all her needs with good health, wisdom, long life and Prosperities. 

We pray that Professor will Pilot the Affairs of the Deaf Community in Oyo State in Particular and Nigeria in General.

By Com Abiodun Kolawole The Former Vice Chairman NNAD Oyo State branch and Comr. Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi The  Former Assist Secretary General NNAD Oyo State branch. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Promote Deaf Literacy in Nigeria, Support the Documentation of Indigenous Sign Language this Bonus Day.

Promote Deaf Literacy in Nigeria, Support the Documentation of Indigenous Sign Language this Bonus Day by Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi The S-Dell Coordinatorin in Oyo State  

More information, We are seeking your support in the project Promote Deaf Literacy in Country Nigeria.

This protect seeks to promote Deaf Literacy and stop language deprivation among Deaf Children in Nigeria. We seek to document the indigenous Nigeria Sign language using technology innovative and implement of early intervention program for Deaf Children over 75% of Nigeria Deaf Children experience language deprivation and poor,  very poor literacy acquisition that impacts their lives in a way negative way.

This is why we seek to document the indigenous signed language using technology innovation.
This is why we seek to implement the early intervention program for Deaf Children.

This is why we seek your support in this crowdfunding campaign.
You can donate as well as be an advocate to this huge project.

Donate to the link on your Screen.

We thanks you.


Welcome to the Rain International and let make it Rain together in the World 🙌🙌😄 by Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi The Manager of Rain international in Africa.

The training continues every day tonight at 6pm Nigerian time on Rain what's App Group.

1. Online Learning Training
2. Basic Training
3. Autoship
4. Back Office
5. Advanced Training
6. Overcoming Objectives
7. Social Media and
8. Business dress Code.

We will start with the training now. Get ready!

It is Time to start with our second part of the compensation plan. Again, please jot all your questions down and we will answer them at the end.

So lets start.
What is important for you to know os that in Rain we are paid in two major principles; yesterday we spoke about team comissions, FOB, generation bonus etc but today we are going to talk about MKR system and RPT's. In the beginning of our business we are just concentrating on the MKR system (a business launch and foundation building)

And the MKR system that we are going to talk about today will be your focus during the *first 8 weeks/4 months of your business*.

First 4 months/8 weeks in your Rain business will start with MKR System
How does it works?

Become qualified as a Maker

What do you need to do to qualify as a MAKER?
You have first 4 weeks in your business to achieve the MKR. You need to enroll your first 2 Rain partners in just 2 weeks (no matter what package they come in) if you want to earn an additional 15% launch bonus.

This is a bonus on complete CV.

And then in the following 2 weeks you will help your 2 partners to get their own 2 each. And you need to add your 2 personal customers too (no matter how many boxes they buy but it has to be at least one box)

Before we mentioned already that in your first 2 weeks you got your launch bonus with your first 2 partners. That was a Step one.

And now in the Step 2 in the following 2 weeks you will help those to to repeat after you. You will help them both to get their own 2 partners.

Step 3: you get 2 personal customers.

So you have 6 partners in your team already and 2 customers right? You can look at the picture above which is showing the example

I would like to repeat again that no matter what package/starter kit this partners start with and how many boxes your customers buy. It all counts!

Once you complete this 3 steps in your first 4 weeks you will get 5% bonus on complete CV AND Rain will plant additional 5 trees (charity part of Rain).

So just imagine, the more people achieve Rain maker the more trees they will be planted because of you and your team.

Lets move to STEP TWO

This step is very simple. All what you need to do in your following 4 weeks is just to repeat what you did in your first 2 weeks.

So again;
Step one: you enroll your 2 new partners
Step two: you help them to repeat after you and get their own 2 each
Step 3: enroll 2 personal customers within the following 4 weeks

Once you complete this you become MKR/Maker 2 in your first 8 weeks

Becoming a Rain Maker 2 also means that because of YOU Rain will donate a literacy class in a 3rd world market

And you will be rewarded with additional 7% bonus on your entire CV this second month

What does MKR 3 means for you?

You will be rewarded with 10% bonus and

Because of YOU Rain will donate a medical check up in a 3rd world market

While you build your Rain business you also do good for a society. And that is what Social entrepreneurship is really all about

So lets summarize everything

FIRST 4 weeks
You enroll 2 partners and you receive your launch bonus (15% from total CV)
Then you help both of them to get their own 2 each and you get your 2 personal customers
-> once COMPLETED you get 5% bonus on entire CV<-

The following 4 WEEKS/8 WEEKS together
You enroll 2 partners
Then you help both of them to get their own 2 each and you get your 2 personal customers
-> once COMPLETED you get 7% bonus on entire CV<-

3rd month/12 WEEKS together
You enroll 2 partners
Then you help both of them to get their own 2 each and you get your 2 personal customers
-> once COMPLETED you get 10% bonus on entire CV<-

4th month/16 WEEKS together
You enroll 2 partners
Then you help both of them to get their own 2 each and you get your 2 personal customers
-> once COMPLETED you get 15% bonus on entire CV<-

Because of you Rain will also
-plant 5 trees
-donate a literacy class/course
-donate a medical check-up
-pay for one month school

Let's make it happen 💦💦💦💦💦💦

First 8 weeks are based on a very simple duplicatable system

This table summarizes it all in this spreadsheet

Here is an example that will show you how does  his looks like in the practice

So step1:
So if you come into the business right now, your first step will be to get your first two partners. Lets say that you enroll your first partner with 500Cv (A) and the second one with 100Cv (B).
Step2: you will help A and B to get their own 2 each.
Now A brings person C into the business with 1000CV starter kit and another person with 50 CV starter kit
Your partner B enrolls his own 2 as well, with 300CV starter kit amd with 500 CV starter kit

Plus you got two customers.

So now you have 6 partners and 2 customers.

The MKR system will count all CV together: 500+100+ 1000+500+50+300= 2,450 CV from this example

And then it depends on the phase (MKR1/MKR2/MKR3/MKR4) how you will get paid

If we use the example of phase 3 (MKR 3, 3rd month) you will get paid 10%  that is 10% from 2450= 68,600 naira

68,600 naira on the top of everything

In America dollar


68,600 naira is $245 in Rain
In Rain business $1=280 naira

Lets go on RPTs- Rain partner teams

Remember that MKR system runs for first 4 months from your enrollment date.

So during this MKR system what you were doing is you were actually building RAIN partner teams all the time

How does Rain parther team looks like?
Simply enroll your first two partners-> help them both to get their own two-> get two personal customers

And then once all this 8 members keep reordering the products (at least one box) *from the second month on*, every calendar month you are entitled to RPT product credit in amount of $65!
So you can use those RPt Credits for a free box of Soul/Core

And just before we finish... we will mention 2 RULES and ONE EXCEPTION in Rain compensation plan

1st rule. Build your RPT teams. Keep sponsoring people and help them to do the same and repeat after you. Feed your tree all the time

The 2nd rule
Always place people outside your leg
*Place Outside Leg* - on your bottom left or bottom right


The exception in POL is when your *2* and *3* know each other for example. Because they have common influence then you will place them together not on different legs.
For example, lets say that person 2 is your mother and person 1 is your father 😊 you want to place them together on the same leg rather then separate (I dont believe they would be really happy if you do that and you?) them to avoid complications in the future

*This is the exception*, otherwise always place people outside your leg

This would be basically all about RPTs and about MKR system

If there are any questions please ask. That is why we are here, to help you to understand how the system works too.

Raining Regards,
Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi

Rain ID : 372655


Phone number :+2348064040996 (SMS/whatsapp)



Friday, June 15, 2018

The History Of Cultural Center Mokola, Ibadan

That glorify the Cultural Center,Mokola Ibadan. 
Art Exhibition and Drama  performance public and internal lecture, the students literature filmshow and excursion route through the gallery therein. 

Read also: Afrika Shrine, Lagos the Cultural Center, Mokola as I earlier started has been in existence since 1977 before the birth of Oyo State from the Western  States. 

There are different functioning departments that uphold the Cultural Centre, Mokola :

*Administrative Department 
*Performing Art Division 
*Visual Arts Department 
*Theatre and Management Division (In Charge of Halls  and Tarmacs
*Planning, Research and Statistics Department (In Charge of Visitors) 

The University College Hospital (UCH)  Premier Hotel of Ibadan are more Popular Locations that  Surround the Cultural Center, Mokola Ibadan. 

To say all this isn't a lie,  drop by there sometime too. Tell me if another place you I'd love me to tell you about in the comment box.
I have become unexcusable Out-going follow my blog for first hand info if the next place. 

Love Always! 
Com. Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi 
It's only Fair to share

Email Address
Phone number :+2348064040996(sms/whats app)